Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Develop a power point presentation

  • 1-page summary with “strong” bullet points that highlight the important facts (to hand out to the class)
  • – Develop a power point presentation (no more than 200 words in the power point)
  • – 10-page write up summary to turn in (you must underline and bold face type atleast 50 buzz words from the 10 Day MBA). For example: Innovators were labeled as a hurdle for obtaining market share… Innovators were discussed in class and it was also part of the homework. This is considered a buzz word from the 10 Day MBA (it is also listed in the index of the 10 Day MBA).

o Describe your product in detail… how you came up with the idea, is there anything else like it, why will people buy yours.

o Company mission statement
o Companyvision
o What makes your product/service different from the competition o Why will people buy your product

  • Why will innovators buy (your first 3%) ? What strategy will you use?
  • Why will early adaptors buy (your next 13%)? What strategy will you use?
  • How do you adjust for the early majority and late majority?
  • What do you do to keep the laggards interested to buy in the endgame?

o Discuss the product lifecycle strategies at each stage o Who is your target market and why
o How will you advertise or create buzz

Develop a slogan

Develop a logo
o How much does your product/service cost relative to competition… spend

time here, how did you come up with cost, be detailed. o How much money do you need for your business
o How will you finance your loan

What is your payback (optimistic, realistic, pessimistic)

What is your IRR
o How will your company be organized
o Touch on economics… maybe product substitutes, complementary

– Group Leader must e-mail me a brief summary regarding group participation and

is responsible for scoring each team member on a scale of 1 to 4 (4 being great).

Writing Homework Help

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