Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Ready, Fire, Aim: The College Campus Gun Fight, homework help

Please write an article review (the attached article below) 500 words

This is the reference to the artifice: Robert Birnbaum. 2013. “Ready, Fire, Aim: The College Campus Gun Fight.” Change 45 (5): 6-14.

Typically, there are five areas or tasks to be accomplished when someone writes a critique of an article. Your critique should be two to three pages in length. Your critique should include the following elements:

  • a. Evaluate the thesis
  • b. Evaluate the methods used
  • c. Evaluate whether there was enough evidence to support the thesis
  • d. Evaluate the contributions to the literature the article makes
  • e. Make recommendations by telling readers who would benefit from reading the article, what that benefit would be, and how important and to what degree this benefit would be

Writing Homework Help

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