Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. compare and contrast, english assignment help

This essay already has its topic and first two introduction paragraphs…

It is at least 1000 words long. There is a link to three or more appropriate sources. It is about artworks from the appropriate time periods and it is factually accurate.

* In your final paper you will be comparing and contrasting any two artworks that fall under a time period we have studied or will study in this class. When choosing which two artworks to compare and contrast keep in mind that your task may be simpler if both artworks have something in common. For example, you might choose two artworks that depict the same subject but are from different time periods, or two artworks that were made in the same time period by different artists.

Once you have chosen your topic you will, in one paragraph, summarize your final paper including the title and a short description of your topic [75 words or more.] Writing a short summary of your final paper topic will help you organize your ideas and explain the subject clearly. Here, for example, is a topic that would be appropriate for the Survey Two section of this course * ( This is already done and it has 175 words) It will be provided as a document for the person making the essay….

As this is a research paper your must find reliable sources and cite them within your writing. I would prefer that you use MLA citation…

Humanities Homework Help

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