Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. looking for help

After reading chapter 10, reviewing the PowerPoint slides, and watching the videos (and other readings if present) discuss the following:

What are some of the benefits of subnetting?

Additional requirements:

  • Supplement the textbook information with at least one other source.
  • Do not use the following sources:
    • Wikipedia – no wiki pages at all.
    • Ask.com
    • Yahoo Answers
    • InfoPlease
    • E-How
  • Follow APA Guidelines.
  • Make sure to cite all sources appropriately. (Don’t forget to use quotation marks.)
    • If the work is plagiarized, your grade will be a 0.
    • Remember if what you write is not your words, thoughts, or ideas you must cite the source and quote appropriately.
  • If classmates post to your original discussion, it is important that you respond to their postings.

Click here for further help on APA Guidelines. (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

Writing Homework Help

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