Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Columbia University M Butterfly by David Henry Hwang Film Discussion


I need a paper of 1200+ words about David Henry Hwang and his production M. Butterfly.

The instruction is below:

Students will offer a 10-15 min. PowerPoint/Google Slide presentation summarizing their 5 page-paper on which playwright or production work impacted them the most in the semester.

The paper should include a brief history on the playwright, specific elements of the work that resonate with the student, as well as playwright statement/point of view. The third piece of the project is an Artistic Response to/inspired by the playwright’s work or production viewed. The Artistic Response can culminate into a song, a media expose, a short film, a painting, etc. The paper will be submitted to me directly. The PowerPoint/Google Slide and Artistic response will be shared in class on the last day.

I need help with that 1200 words paper and need an outline to support.

I have attached a pdf maybe helpful.

The main focus should be David Henry Hwang

Thank you.

Writing Homework Help

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