Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Asana and Meditation Practice Reflection

What was challenging or difficult? How did this week compare to your first week of practices? Are you finding ways to stay connected to your personal goals set in your Introduction and Goals Essay?

What aspect of the reading resonated with you? Was there new information that helped inform your practice this week? Please be specific.

-Lecture #4 Introduction to Meditation – Meditation Techniques https://youtu.be/YcF7NV462-0

-Practice #3 – Brief overview of breath. Full practice with Sun Salutation and standing poses. https://youtu.be/iNfdTNv2LjA

Prepare by reading sections on Anatomy.

-Lecture #3 – Anatomy for Yoga https://youtu.be/3cy2OqGRASs

Writing Homework Help

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