Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. University of California Morality and Moral Doces Discussion

Respond to one of the following prompts in at least 200 words. Do not include the prompt in your post. It will be obvious from the content of your post which prompt you’re responding to.

Once you complete your original post, respond to at least one of your classmate’s posts in at least 100 words. Be sure to tag your response with the appropriate tag (EXPL, BUT, CLAR).

Option 1:

a. What’s one moral question that cultures disagree about how to answer that makes objectivism (or a rejection of cultural relativism) seem plausible (i.e. a question where you think there is clearly a right answer and certain cultures are just wrong)? Explain.

b. What’s a moral question that cultures disagree about how to answer that makes cultural relativism seem plausible (i.e. a question where you think there isn’t an obvious right answer)? How do you think an objectivist like Enoch would defend objectivism in response to the disagreement here?

Option 2:

Which of the cases that Macklin discussed did you find most difficult to address? Why? Did you agree with Macklin’s response to the case or not? If so, why? If not, why not, and how do you think we should respond to it?

Writing Homework Help

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