Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. week 12 NURS 6248


Instructions: Click the link above to go to the discussion forum and participate in this week’s discussion. This week you will assume the role of a clinical expert and analyze a malpractice claim against a fellow PMHNP. You have been selected to sit on a malpractice panel with 2 other experts, both psychiatrists. Read the case carefully and render a judgment for or against malpractice. In your response you must: 1) identify the legal and ethical issues under consideration (e.g., negligent prescribing, split treatment, informed consent, etc.), and 2) provide a strong rationale that includes a discussion of the key elements of a malpractice claim (i.e., duty, deviation, damage, and direct causation) for why you support or do not support a claim of malpractice; and for why you support or do not support the claim for malpractice.

Science Homework Help

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