Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. Walden University Statistics Week 6 Scenarios T Tests Analysis

This week you have explored three different approaches to t tests. By this point, you know that each test has assumptions about the data and type of research questions it can answer. For this Assignment, you will be provided with three scenarios. As you read the scenarios, be sure and think about aligning the appropriate t test with the question. Consider whether the data are independent samples and if two samples are being compared.

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Review the Learning Resources and the media programs      related to t tests.
  • For additional support, review the Skill      Builder: Research Design and Statistical Design and the Skill      Builder: Hypothesis Testing for Independent Samples t-test, which you      can find by navigating back to your Blackboard Course Home Page. From      there, locate the Skill Builder link in the left navigation pane.
  • Also, review the t test scenarios      found in this week’s Learning Resources and consider the three different      approaches of t tests:
    • Independent sample t test
    • Paired sample t test
    • One sample t test
  • Based on each of the three research scenarios provided,      open the High School Longitudinal Study dataset or the Afrobarometer      dataset from this week’s Learning Resources using SPSS software, then      choose and run the appropriate t test.
  • Once you perform your t test analyses,      review Chapter 11 of the Wagner text to understand how to copy and paste      your output into your Word document.

For this Assignment:

Write a 2 to 3-paragraph analysis of your t test results for each research scenario and include the SPSS syntax and output.  If you are using the Afrobarometer Dataset, report the mean of Q1 (Age). If you are using the HS Long Survey Dataset, report the mean of X1SES. Do not forget to evaluate if the t test assumptions are met, justify the selection of type of t test, and report the effect size. Based on your results, provide an explanation of what the implications of social change might be.

Learning Resources

Required Readings

Frankfort-Nachmias, C., Leon-Guerrero, A., & Davis, G. (2020). Social statistics for a diverse society (9th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

  • Chapter 8, “Testing Hypothesis” (pp. 243-279)

Wagner, III, W. E. (2020). Using IBM® SPSS® statistics for research methods and social science statistics (7th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

  • Chapter 6, “Testing Hypotheses Using Means and Cross-Tabulation” (previously read in Week 5)
  • Chapter 11, “Editing Output” (previously read in Week 2, 3, and 4)

Walden University Library. (n.d.). Course Guide and Assignment Help for RSCH 8210. Retrieved from

For help with this week’s research, see this Course Guide and related weekly assignment resources.

Fox, J. (1991). Discrete data. In Regression diagnostics (pp. 62-66). SAGE Publications, Inc.,

Fox, J. (1991). Regression diagnostics. SAGE Publications, Inc.

Fox, J. (1991). Non-normally distributed errors. In Regression diagnostics (pp. 41-48). SAGE Publications, Inc.,

Fox, J. (1991). Nonconstant error variance. In Regression diagnostics (pp. 49-53). SAGE Publications, Inc.,

Fox, J. (1991). Nonlinearity. In Regression diagnostics (pp. 54-61). SAGE Publications, Inc.,

Fox, J. (1991). Outlying and influential data. In Regression diagnostics (pp. 22-40). SAGE Publications, Inc.,

Document: Week 6 t test Scenarios (PDF)

Use these scenarios to complete this week’s Assignment.

Document: Walden University: Research Design Alignment Table


Your instructor will post the datasets for the course in the Doc Sharing section and in an Announcement. Your instructor may also recommend using a different dataset from the ones provided here.

Required Media

Laureate Education (Producer). (2016l). The t test for independent samples [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 5 minutes.

In this media program, Dr. Matt Jones, demonstrates the t Test for independent samples in SPSS.

Accessible player  –Downloads– Download Video w/CC Download Audio Download Transcript 

Laureate Education (Producer). (2016m). The t test for related samples [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 5 minutes.

In this media program, Dr. Matt Jones, demonstrates the t test for related samples in SPSS.

Accessible player  –Downloads– Download Video w/CC Download Audio Download Transcript 

Optional Resources

Klingenberg, B. (2016). Inference for comparing two population means. Retrieved from

Use the following app/weblink to enter your own data and obtain an interactive visual display.

Skill Builders:

  • Research Design and Statistical Design
  • Hypothesis Testing for Independent Samples t-test

To access these Skill Builders, navigate back to your Blackboard Course Home page, and locate “Skill Builders” in the left navigation pane. From there, click on the relevant Skill Builder link for this week.

You are encouraged to click through these and all Skill Builders to gain additional practice with these concepts. Doing so will bolster your knowledge of the concepts you’re learning this week and throughout the course. 

Mathematics Homework Help

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