Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Leadership Course

Week Three Case: Devereaux-Dering Group, Chapter 10, starts on Page 320 (bottom of page)


  • Write a summary of the case, and then answer all of the questions at the end of the case.
  • Always use 7th Edition APA references and in-text citations (Wikipedia is not a reliable source, and cannot be used in this class)
  • The assignment must be written in 7th Edition APA format with header page numbers, Title page, no more than 12 pt font, double spaced and indented paragraphs, 7th Edition APA citations inside and at the end of every paragraph to support what is shared throughout, and a complete 7th Edition APA reference page.
  • The summary portion should be one page.
  • Please read the case about three times before attempting to answer any question and you will find you get a better understanding of what is being asked of you.
  • Please be sure to back up your answers with facts from the textbook, and put together complete and well thought out responses. I am looking for original input so, please integrate your thoughts and ideas in each case assignment.
  • Also make sure that you support and reinforce your answers and replies with factual information from the textbook, research, work/life experiences, etc.

Also, answer the questions completely. Quality counts, so be brief, but thorough and to the point.

Here is an example of EXACTLY how to set up your assignment in APA format: (Be sure to utilize this template in order to avoid losing points on APA formatting):

Leadership Assignment Example wk 1 & 3.docx Leadership Assignment Example wk 1 & 3.docx – Alternative Formats

Humanities Homework Help

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