Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Address these questions in your journal entry.

The power of the American presidency has grown over time, particularly during times of war. In this activity, you read about the actions of six presidents: Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Lyndon B. Johnson, and George W. Bush. You will now write a 200- to 300-word journal entry reflecting on their actions. Your journal entry should address these questions:

  • Do their actions represent appropriate uses of presidential power, or examples of presidents overstepping the authority they were granted by the Constitution?
  • How do you think the framers of the Constitution would respond to the presidency’s expanded powers?
  • In your opinion, do U.S. presidents today have too much power or not enough?

Make sure to include specific evidence to support your response. This assignment is worth 10 points.

Humanities Homework Help

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