Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. DeVry University Virtual Trip to the Metropolitan Museum Discussion Paper

For your assignment, you will take a virtual field trip to the Greek and Roman wing of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

  • Go to (Links to an external site.).
  • Click on the search icon, and type Greek and Roman Art
  • Choose one work of art from the museum and one from Chapter 3 of our textbook to compare and contrast.
  • Produce a two-page reflection assignment (see the description below).

In the opening paragraph, describe the example you have selected from the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Include the name of the piece, URL, and an image of the work of art. Describe the piece in your own words as though you are describing it to someone who cannot see it. Tell us what you like about it, and explain why you chose this particular piece.

Similarly, in the next paragraph, describe the work of art you have chosen from Chapter 3 of our textbook. Include the name of the piece, the image, the figure number, and the page number. Again, describe the piece in your own words as though you are describing it to someone who cannot see it. Tell us what you like about it, and explain why you chose this particular piece.

In the final paragraph, compare and contrast the two pieces. Identify at least three similarities and three differences. Conclude with a brief analysis of what these two works of art tell us about the Greek and Roman civilizations (values, priorities, abilities).

Humanities Homework Help

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