Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Paper- Aristotle vs Plato, Forming Realites

The essay should be typed, have 1-inch margins, be double spaced using 12-point font (with a normal theme – Times New Roman, Calibri, etc.), and should adhere to formal guidelines (have a title, check your grammar and sentence structure, if you are using any sources, cite them properly using parenthetical, in-text citations, and list the full bibliographic entry on a works cited page. Please only submit files in word or pdf format. It is your responsibility to submit the correct file to Blackboard. If you submit a blank or incorrect file, you will be marked off points according to the late work policy outlined in the syllabus.

This essay has a minimum word count of 600 content words (excludes name and class information, title, and work cited information). Submissions under 600 words will be marked off 20 points for failing to meet the minimum word count.

What is the true nature of reality? Is our world of the senses and everyday objects all there is to reality, or is there something more? As we see from studying Plato’s metaphysics, he would agree that there is something beyond our everyday world. The true nature of reality can only be grasped intellectually, in our minds, by apprehending the forms associated with the objects of everyday experience. It is the forms that allow these objects to exist, and they are eternal, unchanging, unmoving, and indivisible. The forms are true reality, and this realm is the only realm where knowledge is possible. So, reality here consists of two realms (Platonic Dualism) – the real and true realm of the forms (the realm of knowledge), and the realm that we inhabit with our senses (the realm of opinion).

Aristotle challenges this view, and advocates for a different understanding of the forms. He contends that there are not two realms, only one. The forms for Aristotle are universals – something that more than one individual thing can be, while individual things themselves are particulars – a specific thing (like you or me). The forms here do not exist in another realm, instead they are a part of particular things, which are a combination of form and matter. We can have knowledge of particular things, according to Aristotle, which makes sensory knowledge in our world of experience possible. He also raises direct challenges to Plato’s view, which you can read more about in the textbook and the PowerPoints associated with this unit.

Your task for this essay is to explain Plato’s theory of the forms, in your own words, and compare this understanding with Aristotle’s view of the forms, also using your own words. How are these views similar? How do they differ? Then, analyze the views – which view do you think gives the best, or most complete account? Which makes the most sense to you? Why? What issues arise with each thinker’s argument? Can we resolve these issues? Cite available evidence and good reasons to support your claims.

Your essay should be set up as follows:

1) Introduction – briefly and generally set up the discussion you intend to have within your essay

  • Include a thesis statement telling your reader what you hope to show, or attempt to prove with your essay – “This essay hopes to show that X’s view of the forms is the most coherent because it accounts fully for Y. “

2) An in-depth explanation of Plato’s theory of the forms, followed by an in-depth explanation of Aristotle’s theory of the forms – compare and contrast the views

  • How are they similar? How do they differ?

3) Following your explanation of the views, you need to choose the one that you think is the best, or most complete, and explain why:

  • Which side is the correct way to understand the forms?
  • Why does this view make more sense than the other?
  • What specific problems does this view avoid that the other does not?
  • What problems does this view have?
  • Can they be overcome? How?
  • Consider each of these in a holistic manner as you craft your analysis

4) Conclusion (reaffirm your thesis statement without merely restating content)

  • Do not introduce new ides in your conclusion
  • Do not end your essay in a question

This essay is asking for you to make an argument about which view is the most complete – do not confuse crafting your own argument with offering a mere opinion. Arguments support the claims that they make with evidence and good reasons, mere opinions do not. You must give an argument here

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Humanities Homework Help

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