Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Cardiac Dysrhythmias Index Cards

need large index cards 

-Using your Saunders.

-Handwrite the following Information

-Use one card per topic

-Upload copy of cards

-Submit to instructor original cards

-Due Date: 11/12/2021 at 2200

Cardiac Dysrhythmias (Description, interventions) –Chapter 52 (Page 705-708)

A.      Normal Sinus Rhythm

B.      Sinus Bradycardia

C.      Sinus tachycardia

D.      Atrial Fibrillation

E.       Premature ventricular contraction

F.       Ventricular Tachycardia

G.      Ventricular Fibrillation

Coronary Artery Disease (Chapter 52, page 711-712)

-Description (Summary, do not copy all text)

-Assessment, interventions, medications (Copy all text on this section)

Angina (Chapter 52, page 712-713)


-Patterns of angina




Myocardial Infarction (Chapter 52, page 713-715)



-List 3 interventions in the acute stage (715)

-List 2 interventions following the acute stage  (715)

Heart Failure (Chapter 52, page 715-716)


-Signs and symptoms of Right and Left sided heart failure

-List 3 interventions following acute episode

Cardiac Tamponade (Chapter 52, page 718)




Endocarditis (Chapter 52, page 717-718)



-List 3 interventions

Phlebitis (Chapter 52, page 720)

-Description (Find online or in your Med Surgical book)

-Assessment (Saunders)

-Interventions (Saunders)

Deep Vein Trhombophlebitis (Chapter 52, page 720-722)

-Description (Online or Med Surgical book)

-Assessment, 3 Interventions, medications (Saunders)

Venous Insufficiency (Chapter 52, page 722-723)

-Description (summary)


-3 Interventions


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