Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. IT-445: Decision support systems

You are required to choose one of the case studies from the provided book, study it carefully then write a report about it that contains the following sections.

Phase I

  • Extended abstract: Write an extended summary about the case study.
  • Introduction: Write a description about the case study; what is the business case? What is the background? What are the system requirements? What are the constraints? What are the assumptions?

Phase II

  • Detailed Proposed Methodologies: Describe the details of the implemented solution in your own words. E.g. the design decisions made and the technology used etc.
  • Discussion: Discuss the solution in relations to the topics we discuss in the course for example the factors that lead to choosing the solution architecture and tools, possible alternative solutions, or modification in the proposed solution.
  • Conclusion: Write the conclusion of this report and any future recommendations.

Computer Science Homework Help

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