Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Website reconnaissance software tools analysis

The main task of the reconnaissance is gathering information. For this assignment , you will use the following reconnaissance software tools to conduct reconnaissance: Whois , Net Craft, Host, Nslookup, MetaGooFil

Using the list of tolls provided compare the different results returned by a website of your choice. Create a document showing :

What fields are the same

What fields are different

Take a screen shot of your results

Analysis: How could these results give you information necessary for an attack? You response should be at least 100 words in length. Include the comparison of results,screen shots and analysis of results in a WORD DOCUMENT.

Please note you can use the internet tool Whois and NetCraft for this requirement or use Kali Linux. But you must use Kal Linux for HOst, NsLookup and MetaGooFil.

Computer Science Homework Help

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