Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. MGT 312 SEU Management Alqarni Company HR Case Study

I’m working on a management discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Consider yourself as HR Manager and resolve the entire issue.

Assignment Question(s): (Marks 05)

1. What are the main problem and subproblems of the case? Based on the following

technique, identify the causes of problem? [Marks 2]

a. Cause of the problem- 5 Why Technique

a. Why-1

b. Why-2

c. Why-3

d. Why-4

e. Why-5

b. Develop a Cause-and-Effect Diagram

2. What information should you gather, that would be helpful to know before making a

decision? [Marks 0.75]

3. Develop a mind map to generate several choices of your decision. As HR Manager, what

will be your decision to resolve this issue? [Marks 1.5]

4. HR Manager may face Ethical dilemma in resolving the issue and finding solutions. What

could be possible ethical issues in the above case? [Marks 0.75]

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