Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. LOG355 Air freight management


Question 1

Singapore was ranked as the 15th busiest airport in the world by Airports Council International (2020) with 2.1 million tonnes of cargo handled in 2019. However, the impact of COVID-19 pandemic saw cargo volumes handled at Changi Airport decline in 2020. Although the extent of fall in traffic volume was less drastic compared to the passenger sector, the air cargo industry was nonetheless affected by widespread grounding of passenger aircraft given a substantial proportion of air freight is regularly transported as belly cargo in such planes.

  1. (a) The airport industry has seen its share of disruptions attributed to various causes over the decades. In not more than 500 words, illustrate the impact on air cargo handled at Changi Airport in relation to the recent COVID-19 pandemic and SARS epidemic which took place in 2003. Which of these events had a bigger impact on Changi Airport? Provide reasons to support your argument.
  2. (b) Major economic downturns can also have a significant impact on air cargo handled. In not more than 500 words, show the impact on the air cargo handled at Changi Airport with reference to the Global Financial Crisis of 2007-2008 and recent COVID-19 pandemic. Which of these events had a bigger impact on Changi Airport? Provide reasons to support your argument.

How to answer:

I have attached a statistics report on the cargo movement for import and export from year 2000-2020 (by month and year). Please use both to enhance the answer. You are to analyse the report and update on the fluctuation of figures. What causes the fluctuation such as restriction of border movement, circuit breaker in Singapore, lack of flights hence no space with airline causing little cargo movements.

You can do further research on the internet.

Please do a graph from the statistics that I have provided to support your answers.

Source of statistics:

Other relevant source:…

I am attaching the question paper, study guide and seminar powerpoint for your reference.

Please support answers written with citation using APA formatting.

Thank you.

Business Finance Homework Help

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