Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. delivering bad news

After reviewing the forecasted budget with your CFO, you’ve determined that cutbacks are needed in the Research and Development (R&D) department. You need to layoff three individuals.

This is the first time you’ve had to deliver bad news, especially with the magnitude of layoffs. This affects business operations, workload, and human beings on a personal level. It also affects the trust employees have with the business as a whole. Are they at risk for being laid off? Perhaps salary cuts? Does this mean the business is failing? What’s the projected forecast of the organization’s health and status?

You want to be effective, personable, and of course, appropriate, showing respect to those individuals who were let go while showing respect and dedication to those still in your employment. You also want to alleviate any lingering concerns or any potentially damaging rumors circulating through the office.

You want to deliver this message at the end of next week. To prepare for this message:

Step 1: Read the following

Step 2: Read your notes folder on Delivering Bad News.

Step 3: To prepare for your message delivery, you will first cover the following:

  • your ability to deliver bad news;
  • your analysis of a bad news message.

You also want to deliver an effective message to your employees. You think the following will be good:

  • In a Word document, draft an email 200-300 words in length, addressing the Layoff message to the company.
  • Use the elements from the chapters in the text, from the article above, and from your notes folder.

Business Finance Homework Help

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