Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Brooklyn College Garage Door Openers Companys Supply Chain Coordination Case Study


A company producing garage-door openers with production in India gathered the following information for 2017 and 2018 to evaluate its supply chain coordination:

2017 2018
Profitability $37K $28K
Manufacturing cost $13K $15K
Inventory cost $4K $7K
Transportation cost $3K $5K
  1. Based on the limited information provided above, describe how you imagine the supply chain coordination operates in this manufacturing company. Support your answer with research from scholarly sources and your readings.
  2. Explain your thoughts about how the company may change or remain in the situation it is in relative to supply chain coordination.
  3. Predict what other information the company may wish to gather to confirm its suspicions and explain why that information would be useful.
  4. Show your calculations and a table in an appendix. Need information on how to create an appendix? Visit “How do I do an Appendix in APA style?” (Links to an external site.)

Submission Requirements:

  • Prepare a 3- to 4-page paper (not including the required title and reference pages and the appendix that shows your calculations and a table) detailing and compiling the specifics to items 1-4 above.
  • Support your paper with a minimum of two current (published in the most recent five years) scholarly sources from the CSU Global Library, in addition to any course textbooks or lecture material you decide to use.
  • Format your entire paper according to the CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.).

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