Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Human Resources class.

Write a 3 page paper about the score received from the assessment. This is for Human Resources class.

Whether in the data-gathering, feedback, or implementation phases of an engagement, an OD practitioner is likely to find clients or organizational members that resist change. The following resistance to change scale was “designed to tap an individual’s tendency to resist or avoid making changes, to devalue change generally, and to find change-averse across diverse contexts and types of change” (Oreg, 2003, p. 680). Complete the attached scale yourself, then answer these discussion questions. 1. What is your resistance to change score? 2. To what degree do you prefer routine over change? Can you think of a time when your routine was interrupted? How did you react? (As evidenced by your “Routine Seeking” subscale score.) 3. How would your describe your emotional reaction to change? (As evidenced by your “Emotional Reactions” subscale score.) 4. Have you had a negative response to the short-term impact of a change, even though you could see the long-term benefit? What did you do? (As evidenced by your “Short-term Focus” subscale score.) 5. How easy is it for you to change your mind? Why? (As evidenced by your “Cognitive Rigidity” subscale score.) 6. As an OD practitioner, do you think that your resistance to change score is higher, lower, or about the same as your potential clients’ would be? How about the organizational members impacted by changes that you help to implement? What does that mean for how you would work with clients? 7. How might you use this information in an OD engagement? Your paper should be 3-4 pages in length. Questions should include individual subscale scores for the scale. Don’t forget to properly reference/cite the scale. Reference Oreg, S. (2003). Resistance to change: Developing an individual differences measure. Journal of Applied Psychology, 88(4), 680-693

Business Finance Homework Help

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