Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Write a speech about data science with at least 4 powerpoint slides.

Inform us on a topic that in some way pertains to your major/career goals. It should be something you know a lot about, so that the research merely supplements your knowledge, although you do need to include some research (see “references” below). In addition, it needs to contain at least one technical component (so that you can practice using “plain language.”

You should start with getting your topic approved (through signing up); then you need to write your general purpose, your specific purpose statement and your thesis statement. Remember to narrow the scope of your topic appropriately.

For this speech you need to have three outside sources, which means you also need at least three verbal citations (giving the source out loud during the speech—preceding the info from that source). Only two of these sources may be considered Internet sources. Sources should be cited on the Reference page in APA Style. At least one source should come from the library databases.

* NOTE: On the outline itself, you should include the source citations in sentence format (i.e., as you intend to say them; not in APA format; you only use APA format on the References page for this presentation).

All informative speeches should have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.

Introduction: The introduction should contain 5 major points:

  • Gain the attention of the audience
  • Establish your credibility and relate your topic to yourself
  • Create a link from the topic to this particular audience (usually using the word “you”); motivate them to listen to this topic
  • Reveal the topic of the speech (thesis sentence) and
  • Preview the main points of the speech.

Body:The body of your speech should contain between 2-5 main points, organized in a way that helps the audience make sense of the message and that meets your specific purpose. You must use one of the organization patterns covered in lecture and your book: chronological, spatial, causal, problem-solution or topical (remember, two of these patterns limit you to only two points).

Also, make sure to use transitions between main points to allow the audience to know when you are introducing a new point. Transitions should be in complete sentences, and they should also be written out on your outline.

Conclusion: First, let the audience know you are ending the speech (“In conclusion” or a similar statement should be used).

The conclusion itself should contain 2 elements (in this order):

  • Review the thesis & main points (should be recognizable but doesn’t have to use exact wording used in intro)
  • Finish strong with a “clincher” that sums up and drives home the point of the message.

** NOTE: Wikipedia does NOT count as a source (points will be deducted for using Wikipedia)!!!

Business Finance Homework Help

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