Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. BA302 Bi-Weekly Topic Paper

written in the third person,include title pages and abstracts in proper APA format APA_Template UIU Version.rtf and include the page number of your topic from the text on the cover page.


Within the assigned chapters for the Weeks, there are separate mini readings that include a question entitled, “CRITICAL THINKING” or “WHAT IF THE FACTS WERE DIFFERENT”. In addition, at the end of each chapter is a section entitled “CRITICAL THINKING AND WRITING ASSIGNMENTS”.

  • Please select of one of those questions as the topic for your Weekly Topic Paper. DO NOT SELECT A “CRITICAL THINKING GROUP ASSIGNMENT”.
  • Take care to select a question that, when answered, will meet the criteria for the Weekly Topic Paper.
  • Week 6 Bi-Weekly Topic Paper
    • Topics selected must come from within the chapters of the textbook assigned for Week 5 and Week 6 reading only.

Submission Details

  • Your paper should be submitted to the appropriate location for the week in question.
  • There is no minimum or maximum word requirement. It is up to you to submit a paper that, in your estimation, best meets the grading criteria set forth below.

Grading Rubric: New Rubric-Topic Papers: W2 W4 W6

Each of the four Weekly Topic Papers is worth 50 points. Your grade on the Weekly Topic Paper will include the following grading components.

  • Clarity – possible 10 points.
    • Clarity means that I can follow you from beginning to end.
    • In order to help me do so, it is helpful to include an introduction that tells me where we are going and a conclusion that tells me where we have been.
  • Critical analysis – possible 20 points.
    • The purpose of this assignment is not to demonstrate that you can read the text.
    • The questions in the text from which you can choose to write are designed to make you think.
    • Critical analysis is not the same as observations (or critical observations).
    • Critical observations, however, are necessary to provide an appropriate context for your critical analysis.
    • If a question does not provoke critical analysis on your part, choose another question.
    • If nothing is working, then we have a problem that should be resolved through private e-mails or a phone call.
  • Appearance – possible 10 points.
    • This is where I will deduct for everything from spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar and syntax errors to anything else related to the appearance of the paper.
    • Failure to use proper citation form for judicial decisions will also result in deductions in this category.
  • In-text textbook citation – possible 2.5 points.
    • You will be required to include a citation to the text in the body of your paper – it is not sufficient to include it only in the end references.
    • The citation must be in proper APA format. Here are some general guidelines to help you cite in APA format: APA Guide 6th Edition.doc
    • This is a really easy 2.5 points to pick up.
    • Do not forget to include it.
  • In-text external citations – possible 5 points.
    • You will be required to include citations from two external sources in the body of your paper – it is not sufficient to include them only in the end references.
    • The citations to these two external sources must also be in proper APA format for research or, for judicial citations, must be in proper citation form.
    • Remember the prohibition on using Wikipedia as a primary source.
  • APA formal references – possible 2.5 points.
    • Your reference list must include all references in the body of your paper in proper APA citation form.
    • Remember, proper APA format for end references is not necessarily the equivalent of proper APA format for in-line citation in the body of your paper. Again, the general guidelines are a great help here.

Important Helping Tools (repeated from above)


  • Most students use Word to prepare the Weekly Topic Paper.
  • Please do not send in .docm or Adobe PDF formats
  • I know I am technologically behind the times but I need you to post in .doc or .docx format

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