Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Intro to economic presentation

5 minutes presentation 8-9 slides and 4 paper assignment about the business I’m opening.

the idea of the business is a private advisor for freshmen student. some student after graduate from high school they go to university abroad either the same country but different city or they go out of the country. The fist semester for these student is tense so they need a little help to guid them to succeed in the university life. My business is to offer the student assistant 3 hours per week in their first semester. I will run an app in the phone and a website. it will run similar to the Uber App. my employee are professors and well knowledge people they can apply throw the app. The tuition for the student is 10 percentage of the whole semester coast. this 10% is taken by the whole course tuition from the university since I’m already helping the university by recommending it to the student when theyAPPLY FORone.The 10% profit i gain 8% of it goes to the assistant who’s helping the student and i myself get 2% out of the 10%.

Business Finance Homework Help

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