Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. UMW Concepts and Tools of Strategic Decision Walmart Essay

I need support with this Management question so I can learn better.

The goal of this assignment is to give you a chance to apply the concepts and tools of strategy to evaluate a real-world strategic decision. This is a group project in which you need to identify **a public company that is facing/ or recently has made a strategic decision**, provide the internal and external analysis of the company’s situation, evaluate the decision, and make necessary recommendations. The strategic decision should be relevant to the concepts we covered in class. Examples include entering a new business/market, choice of alliance partners, mergers and acquisitions, outsourcing, divestment of businesses, new product development/introduction, responding to environmental trends resource development/acquisition, social responsibility initiatives etc.

In the first round, you need to submit a 1-2 pages report that provides an overview and introduction of the company, overview of overall strategy and sources of competitive advantage, the strategic decision and the company’s plan/approach for implementation (if any). You also should state your rationale for your choice of the company and the decision.

Potential companies to choose from:





Business Finance Homework Help

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