Assignment Help

Assignment Help. In Chapter 1 of Dick & Carey’s book on page 4, constructivism is mentioned. Define constructivism and behaviorism and find one article from the Keiser library about the constructivist approach and

In Chapter 1 of Dick & Carey’s book on page 4, constructivism is mentioned. Define constructivism and behaviorism and find one article from the Keiser library about the constructivist approach and one article about the behaviorist approach. Choose one instructional goal from your field or discipline of healthcare (or one you are interested in) and state which of these two approaches you would choose if you were designing instruction for the goal. You will be writing a constructivist lesson plan for your final exam in Week 4. You must use the library and find a scholarly article. Summarize what you read in the articles and include the link to the article and the APA style reference.

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