Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Cuyamaca College Ecology Whale Fall Stages & Mesopelagic Zone Questions

answer the questions below

1.Briefly describe the four stages of a whale fall.

2.Fishes that live in the mesopelagic zone of the open ocean:

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Usually have light color on the dorsal surface

3.Which is NOT an adaptation or feature that you would expect to see in an organism that lives in the abyssal zone?

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Lecithotrophic larvae

4.Vestimentiferans can live without a gut because:

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They have symbiotic bacteria, which are the source of their nutrition

5. The high biomass adjacent to hot vents depends upon the release of:

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Phosphorus from the vents

6. The RPD:

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Is a border between oxidative and reducing processes in sediments

7.In a mudflat, what would be the order of biological processes from top (surface) to deeper sediments?

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Oxidation of organic matter, fermentation, methanogenesis, sulfur reduction

8. In a mudflat, which does NOT contribute to the formation of anaerobic zones below the sediment surface?

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Long retention time of water

9.Which correctly describes processes occurring at cold seeps vs. processes occurring at hydrothermal vents?

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Both hydrothermal vents and cold seeps involve superheated seawater due to magma coming through oceanic crust

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