Article Writing Homework Help

Article Writing Homework Help. I need Initial Post of 200-225 words and two substantial replies on other students post. I attached the reply document which contains the post of other students, Need it in 6 hours  Watch the videos t

I need Initial Post of 200-225 words and two substantial replies on other students post. I attached the reply document which contains the post of other students, Need it in 6 hours 

Watch the videos through the link below.  It’s from the movie “Trading Places” and near the end of the movie there is a great illustration of trading in the futures markets captured in this 7 minute video.  If you’ve seen this before, really think about what is going on.  If you haven’t seen it before, you may have to watch a couple of times.

Link (Links to an external site.)

The margin call…

Link (Links to an external site.) 

After watching, respond with at least a paragraph on what you think is going on.  Talk about whether the good guys (Dan Akroyd, Eddie Murphy) took a long or short position and whether the bad guys (the old men) took a long or short position when trading began.  Talk also about why you think they took their respective positions.  Judging by the prices during trading, estimate the profit the good guys made (in cents/pound).

Article Writing Homework Help

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