Article Writing Homework Help

Write a 12 pages paper on local communities perceptions of tourism development in the national park.

Write a 12 pages paper on local communities perceptions of tourism development in the national park. As a result, the tourism industry is called on to respond accordingly to the demands placed by increased tourist visitors and the impact of these tourist entrants on the environment.

The ideas relating to development and tourist capacity were the focus of studies on tourism from the 1960s to the early 1980s (McAreavey and McDonagh, 2011). The dominant mass tourism during such a time period was known for its apparent unfavorable impact on the environment. As a result, with economies going through high rates of consumption and production, the concept of sustainable tourism was transported from the peripheries to the center-stage of the tourism discussion. Ecology and environmental concerns played a major hand in the discussion (McAreavey and McDonagh, 2011). Such issues are based on the momentous and important World Commission on Environment and Development report, a report which focuses on promoting development and environmental sustainability. Moreover, the report highlighted the relevance of intergenerational and intragenerational equity, in support of social equity, as well as cultural diversity (McAreavey and McDonagh, 2011).

The World Commission on Environment and Development discusses that sustainable development is that development that fulfills the needs of the present without affecting the ability of future generations to also meet their own needs (as cited by Harris, 2003). Three aspects of sustainable development have been developed throughout the years, and this includes, the economic, the environmental, and the social aspects of sustainability. In economic sustainability, an economically sustainable system should support goods as well as services in a continuing fashion, covering different levels of government and external obligations, and avoiding sectoral gaps which impact on agricultural as well as industrial sustainability.

For environmental sustainability, the system must promote a stable resource base.

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