Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Introduction to Anthropology

Read: Chapter 12 of Humanity (textbook)

Taiwan Is Beating the Coronavirus. Can the US Do the Same? by Andrew Leonard (March 18, 2020)

Transparency and Testing WorkBetter Than Coercion inCoronavirus Battleby Matthew Kavanagh (March 16, 2020)


Watch: “What the government can and can’t do during a pandemic” by CNN (2 min) (March27, 2020)

Your comments must have in-text citation using the page numbers of the assigned chapter in the textbook and assigned article, as well as minute mark of the video. Please make sure to insert the page number of the assigned chapter and article, e.g. (Leonard, p.2), (Peoples,500-501), (Kavanagh, p.1-2) whenever you use the information from the textbook, document, or video.


1. Analyzesocial control and laws (and/or orders) enforced during this coronavirus crisis described in two articles and short video, using theinformation in Chapter 12 in Humanity (textbook).What are some laws and orders that illustrate forms of social control to reestablish social solidarity during this world crisis, and do you think current United States political leaders are successful sending a clear message to the public on the purpose of combatting this global pandemic?

2. What do you think Matthew Kavanagh means by democratic governance and noncoerciveapproaches can be effective against the coronavirus—but only ifthey are vigorous and rooted in all-out efforts to deploy publichealthmeasures” (pp.3-4)? Do you agree with this statement and overall argument in this article? Furthermore, based on your information in Chapter 12, video, and two articles, how do you foresee United States’ future against the COVID-19 pandemic? As discussed in cases in China and Taiwan, do you think, the “[United States] can do the same” within existing society’s law and culture?


Utilize the textbook and take notes. Make sure you write down the minute mark of the video and page numbers along with the information and quotes you are using.No citation, no grade!!

Expand your analysis and explain the concep

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