Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. ppp ( Personal analysis tests for the purpose of recruitment

you must to ansowe the homework with the same PPP i send it ( read each on and do what thet need . the homework4 part

1- Type of Assessment Summary & Interpretation of Assessment Data

you must red each one and open the link and do what the ppp need for example :Self-Determination ARC Self Determination Scale:

Strengths – Making personal choices, Self-Regulation: Problem Solving

Needs – To develop independence in the community, To become self-determined https://www.imdetermined.org/educators/

so open the link and do the teast and write about it what the Strengths – Making personal choices, Self-Regulation: Problem Solving

Needs – To develop independence in the community, To become self-determined

2- Synthesizing Assessment Data:

Areas of Strengths / ,Areas of Need / ,Present and analyze any discrepancies in the assessment data (lack of congruence) / Recommend any further career awareness, exploration, or preparation activities (to possibly address discrepancies /Synthesize the data, to paint the picture of an ideal career (identify 3 potential career clusters or occupational goals, coupled with a description of an ideal setting (e.g. ecological factors)). Utilize the career pathways and awareness tools.

3- Career Pathways – Rationale (based upon synthesis of assessment data)

so , you write what the career pathways for the pesson and you can used this link


4-DIRECTIONS: Based upon your synthesis and the recommended career pathways: (1) write actionable steps or recommendations, along with the rationale (based upon synthesis of assessment data). Think about the 6 categories. After you write these recommendations, place into categories: (2) Recommended Career Awareness Activities, (3) Recommended Career Exploration Activities, (4) Recommended Self-Determination Activities, focused on Career Accommodations and Supports, (5) Recommended Exploratory Activities, as appropriate, for Assistive Technology, and (6) Recommended Activities to Build Human and Social Capital to Support Employment Goals.

( you can see all the part in the same ppp

Writing Homework Help

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