Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Counterfactual Thinking and Need for Cognition: Appointing Culpability paper

****This paper will cover both study one (including the literature review, methods section, results

section, and brief discussion from that study) and the introduction literature review to study two.

This paper essentially tells the literature oriented story of your semester long project thus far.

Your main job is to justify your study two predictions, and you do that by both showing how

study one influenced your choice of variables in study two as well as citing prior research that

supports your second independent variable in study two. At the end of the study two literature

review section, you will provide your own study two predictions.****

****Paper III is intended to help you take your original Seflie study one step further by letting

you predict how a second independent variable of your lab’s choosing impacts

participants. In this

replication with extension

study, you have a greater role in a).

choosing which articles to include in your follow-up literature review as well as b).

identifying how this new variable influences your hypotheses. The bulk of your points in

Paper III will come from a new paper “literature review”, but—similar to journal articles

you might have read—this second literature review comes between the discussion from

study one and before the methods for study two. That is, your Paper III will include your

original literature review from study one (revised based on feedback from Paper I), your

study one methods, results, and discussion (revised based on feedback from Paper II), and

a new literature review that both focuses on the results of study one but adds in new

information and references for study two.

In other words, Paper III includes:

1). Your original title page (though feel free to change the title)

2). Your revised study one literature review (ending in the study one hypotheses).

3). Your revised study one methods section.

4). Your revised study one results section.

5). Your revised study one discussion section.

6). Your new study two literature review (ending in the study two hypotheses).

7). References for all citations in the paper (minimum 10 references required)

8). Your appendices from study one

The largest number of Paper III points are provided for your new study two literature

review. Unlike your study one literature review, your study two literature review will

essentially pick up after study one. Think of it as a “sequel” of sorts. It builds on and

extends study one’s Selfie focus, using two levels of your original independent variable

(either Selfie vs. Groupie, or Selfie vs. Professional) and similar dependent variables (e.g.

impressions of Emma, etc.) but altering or extending them into a new study design. The

good news here is that you can refer to study one as you write your study two literature

review. In fact, that is something I encourage. You can also refer back to your study one

literature review sources.

The bulk of this study two literature review concerns a second independent variable that

you and your lab will manipulate during the second part of the semester. You will need to

find up to five references for this second independent variable, hopefully finding sources

that build a bridge between studies one and two. In other words, in Paper III you will

answer the following question: “Given our findings in study one, how will the presence of

a second independent variable impact participant decisions?”

Like Paper I, you should end your literature review by noting your specific hypotheses for

study two. Here, you will address both main effects (outcomes associated with each

independent variable alone) and interactions (the combined impact of your independent


2). APA Formatting Purpose

The second purpose of Paper III: Literature Review is to once again teach you proper

American Psychological Association (APA) formatting. In the pages below, I will tell you

how to format your paper using APA style. There are a lot of very specific requirements in

APA papers, so pay attention to the instructions below as well as Chapter 14 in your book!

3). Writing Purpose

Finally, this paper is intended to help you refine your writing. My hope is that you will use

feedback from Paper I and Paper II to improve your grammar, spelling, and content in

Paper III. At the end of the semester, you will actually use Paper III as the opening section

for your final course paper, so doing a good writing job Paper III will be very beneficial as

you revise your papers for Paper V. Many students use Paper V as their writing sample for

graduate programs, so make sure you write clearly and precisely for an educated reader!

Note that the plagiarism limit for Paper III is 50%. This is a bit higher given the overlap in

the Paper II material, but your Paper I and new literature review in Paper III should be

very unique to you. As usual, references, citations, and the predictions are not included in

the plagiarism limit.

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