Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. SOCW 3001: Cultural experience

Assignment 1(a): Cultural Experience

Learning about local diversity and attending cultural events is an important way to participate in your community. While clients are the cultural experts in their own lives, a client is not responsible for teaching a social worker everything there is to know about a specific cultural group. Attending events in your community helps you to understand different culturesof the clients you may serve and also shows your support for diverse groups.

To prepare: Attend a cultural event or activity in your community related to a diverse identity (gender identity/expression, race/ethnicity, class, religion, ability, sexual orientation, or age).As a guest at this experience, remember to take a stance of cultural humility and respectfully participate.

Submit a 2- to 3-page paper in which you do the following:

  • Describe the cultural experience you attended, explaining why the experience represented a cultural event.
  • Describe the thoughts and feelings you experienced during the event.
  • Reflect on and analyze your reactions.
  • Describe what you learned about the cultural group.
  • Explain how you could apply this knowledge to social work practice.
  • Apply concepts and material from the course resources to the experience.
    • Support your application of resources using APA citations and a reference page.
    • Assignment 1(B): Cultural Interview

      Learning from colleagues is another way to develop cultural knowledge before working with clients from diverse groups. This Assignment provides you with an opportunity to strengthen relationships with colleagues as you learn from each other.For this Assignment, you interview a colleague about an aspect of their identity (race/ethnicity, class, sex, ability, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, age, religion, or geographical location) that is different from your own. With your partner, first decide what aspect of social identity you do not share in common. Then consider what questions you might want to ask to learn more about the experience of living with this identity.To prepare: engage in a 20- to 30-minute phone or video conference with a colleague in this course and interview each other about a cultural or social identity. Create interview questions and ask about the intersection of that identity with other social identities.
      Part I: Analysis of Cultural Interview

      • Submit a 2- to 3-page paper (not including question list or references in which you:
        • Describe your experience asking another person about their culture.
        • Explain what you learned about a different cultural group and how you can use this information in practice.
        • Identify one of the theories discussed in Chapter 2 of the text and explain how you would use this theory when working with a client who shares the same identity as the colleague you interviewed.
        • Analyze your experience being asked questions about your culture.
        • Explain what insights you gained from this experience and how you will use this learning experience to further develop culturally competent skills.
      • Include a list of the questions that you asked at the end of the paper.

      Part II: Partner Assessment

      • Each individual submits an evaluation of his or herpartner. The evaluation is based on collaboration for this project. He or sheassesseshis or herpartner’s professional behavior in terms of:
        • Responsiveness
        • Dependability
        • Respectfulness

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