Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Please answer the following prompt without any outside sources and include few quotes from the readings attached

Please answer the following two prompts and use the sources attached below

1. Why was the sit-down strike at Flint, Michigan, the most consequential work stoppage of the entire twentieth century? What were the workers demanding? Why were they able to succeed when the industrial workers of previous generations had failed? And what linked the industrial workers in Flint to workers of previous generations (e.g., the Knights of Labor, the craft workers at Homestead, the railroad workers of 1877 and the Freemen of the early 19th century) ?

2. Please explain how the demands of the WWII economy dramatically changed the make up of the workforce and raised the expectations of workers who were previously seen as ancillary, or of little to no importance to the overall economy. Your answer should include an assessment of how the work experience raised the expectations of women and minorities and the role that unions played as this transformation of work took place over a very short period of time (1941-1945)

The paper should be approximately 5-6 pages, double-spaced in 12-point type with 1-inch margins.

Please do not use any outside sources to answer the question. Just use the readings and the videos.

Please add few quotes in the essay but with a page number to indicate where to find it. Thanks!


Writing Homework Help

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