Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Advance Research Discussion Posts

Every discussion should have its OWN page!

Discussion #1:

This discussion will help you develop the skills you need to synthesize several sources together. Here’s what you’ll need to do:

Step #1: Read any three (3) of the four articles listed below on the movie Bombshell (2019).

Step #2: Review the worksheet on creating a synthesis matrix (North Carolina State University) featured in this week’s Content. (see attachment)

Step #3: Complete a synthesis matrix for the three articles you’ve read. This includes: (See attachment for example)

  • Identifying at least three (3) main ideas or topics covered by the reviews (e.g., plot, actors, #MeToo, gender bias, etc.)
  • Taking notes on what the critics write about these main ideas (e.g., “Lee praises the plot as interesting…” and “Reed finds the plot too confusing…”)
  • Jotting down quotes that support your observations (e.g., “Lee writes, ‘The story has movie-goers at the edge of their seats the whole three hours…”)

Step #4: Identify at least two key issues or questions that are particularly problematic or controversial or striking or worthy of exploring. These would be issues/questions that can be supported by at least two of the articles. They may be points on which the critics agree or disagree, issues that weren’t adequately addressed, or ideas that are explored in the reviews (e.g., “What did the critics think about Colin Firth’s cameo?” or “Discussion of political bias in the movie’s portrayal of the vice president”). Ask yourself, what ideas/issues that are shared among the articles might be interesting to pursue further?

Step #5: Explain how these issues are played out in the reviews (1-2 sentences). What are the critics’ positions on these issues? What was stated/not stated? What other questions does this issue introduce? (For example, for “Why didn’t the critics recognize the cinematography?” you might write about how one critic barely mentioned the cinematography, while another stated how it was overrated, focusing more on the acting.)

Note that a sample response to this discussion, based on three reviews of Danny Boyle’s _Steve Jobs_, appears in the Content for this week.

Step #6: Post your matrix, your two issues/questions, and your 1-2 sentence analysis.

Discussion 2:

Your third writing assignment (WA #3) in WRTG 391 will be a six-source essay, or an expanded synthesis. This essay will lead you to your final essay (WA #4), a multiple-source synthesis essay, also known as a literature review.

1. Please review Modules 3 and 4 of the Academic Integrity Tutorial. Module 3 focuses on developing authentic synthesis. Module 4 focuses on citing sources. (You can find those links in Week 4/Content/Resources.)

2. Watch the two video tutorials from UMGC Library, “How to Write a Literature Review” and “How to Write a Synthesis Essay,” and complete the following task. (You can find those links in Week 4/Content/Resources.)

Imagine that you are working for department within a large company. The manager of your department is considering allowing workers in your department to telework, in other words, to work from home.

However, your manager is not sure what to expect from this possible change.

She is not sure what the advantages, pitfalls, unexpected issues, etc. are of allowing teleworking. For example, she is not sure whether workers become less productive because they will be working from home and not supervised. She also considers the possibility that workers will become more productive because they won’t have to worry about traffic and parking. They won’t have to take large amounts of time off to get children to a doctor’s appointment, to see a doctor themselves, to take care of errands, etc. It is possible that working from home will improve productivity.

Other questions abound in her mind. For example, how many days a week should the workers be allowed to telework? Should they be limited to one day? Two days? Or should they be unlimited to telework as many days as they would like per week?

In addition, she is not sure if everyone should be allowed to telework or if perhaps only people in certain positions should be allowed to telework. For example, she knows that the janitor cannot telework. His job could not be done at a distance. But some individuals could telework, as their jobs involve meetings and other functions that could be accomplished at a distance.

Overall, your manager is somewhat at a loss on this issue.

Your manager has asked you to review the literature on teleworking. She has asked that you submit a literature review to her next month on the topic of teleworking.

From what you have gleaned in this class about what a literature review is, what is your manager asking you to do?

  • Does she want a proposal that supports a new teleworking arrangement?
  • Does she want a persuasive paper that takes a stand against teleworking?
  • Or does she want something entirely different from those two options?

Please give your answer in a short paragraph of 75 to 100 words.

Discussion 3:

This discussion will help you transition from your Four-Source Essay (WA #2) to your Six-Source Essay (WA #3).

As you prepare to write the Six-Source Essay (WA #3), you might return to your Four-Source Essay (WA #2) for material and inspiration. Looking over the sample four-source essay and sample six-source essay can be instructive.

Here’s what you’ll need to do:

(Both of these essays use 6th edition APA citation.)

As noted, these essays aren’t perfect. The writer is still working to synthesize the sources. However, the Six-Source Essay adds some new material and other improvements.

After reading the two articles and the information on transitions, answer the following questions:

(1) Other than adding two new sources, how has the writer improved, or changed, the material from the Four-Source Essay to the Six-Source Essay? (Answer in 1-3 sentences.) (E.g., “The writer’s thesis has become more focused, centering on…”)

(2) What sources has she added? What effect do the new source(s) have on the paper? (1-3 sentences) (E.g., “The new sources serve to emphasize the writer’s point that…”)

(3) Pick a paragraph section of the Six-Source Essay where synthesis needs to be improved, and add an appropriate transitional phrase/sentence. (Hint: you might refer to paragraph 3.)

Consider the use of transitions, for example. Transitions are like signs for your readers. They give direction and they help to link things together. Good transitions move the reader from one point to the next, and they also focus the attention of the reader on the main idea of the essay. You can use words or phrases as transitions, but you must be careful to choose words that indicate the right relationship between ideas. Here are a few examples of relationships you can indicate with transitions: (1) to show addition: and, also, in addition, furthermore. (2) to give examples: for example, for instance, specifically (3) to compare: also, likewise, similarly (4) to contrast: however, on the other hand, yet, although (5) to summarize or conclude: therefore, in other words (6) to show time: after, before, during, next, finally, meanwhile, immediately (7) to show place or direction: above, below, nearby, close, far, left, right (8) to indicate logical relationships: therefore, consequently, as a result, thus, since, because.

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