Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Answer the following with more than 300 words apa format show resources

Question 1 (Chapter 1):

What are the top three costs for an airline typically? Research a US Airline’s 10 K Financial Annual Report and provide their top three expenses and examples of their operating expenses.

Question 2 (Chapter 1):

Discuss the regulatory impact of the 2009 Colgan Air crash. Research the reasoning behind the regulatory requirements and their impact on airlines pre-COVID market.

Question 3 (Chapter 2):

List and briefly describe the major factors affecting commercial transport sales. How does the cyclical nature of civil aviation affect aircraft manufacturing and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic?

Question 4 (Chapter 2):

Discuss the impact of the air transportation industry on the US economy in terms of dollar expenditures and jobs. Research and describe the US and International market currently and the impact of the pandemic. Explain if there any similarities between today’s economic outlook and after 9/11/2001 terrorism attacks.

Question 5 (Chapter 3):

Explain how the certificated airline industry has changed since deregulation in terms of expansion, consolidation, and contractions. Give an example of a legacy air carriers relationship to commuter/regional carriers and how they have changed after deregulation. Give an example of a low cost air carrier and their emergence into the US airline industry after deregulation.

Question 6 (Chapter 3):

Who were some of the early general aviation manufacturers? Describe the growth of general aviation during the 1960s and 1970s. What were some of the causes for the slowdown in the unit sales during the 1980s and early 1990s? What effect has airline deregulation had on general aviation and corporate aviation? Find and describe an aviation news article on the current state of general aviation.

Question 7 (Chapter 6):

What is the purpose of certifications? In the United States, what are the different types of certification? Explain the different phases. What is CSET? What is ATOS?

Question 8 (Chapter 6):

Give an example of a US Airline Merger. Do you think there will be any mergers in the future or discussion of them in the news?

Question 9 (Chapter 7):

Define economies of scale, scope, and density. How do they apply to the major carriers? When can economies of scale turn into diseconomies of scale? Give one example of economies of scale in the airline industry today.

Question 10 (Chapter 7):

Define load factor. What is the relationship between load factor and costs per unit? Explain. Why load factors increased in recent years? How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected airline load factors(find aviation news articles)?

Writing Homework Help

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