Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Write a 3pg essay

Attached are the powerpoints that cover some of the material. Feel free to use the internet, however, make sure to CITE AND REFERENCE. PLAGIARISM will not be tolerated.

Here is the question.

Last assignment is devoted to the issue of slavery and the law.The overarching question you must address is how the law was used in the United State to make chattel slavery a race based institution.How did the law differ, if at all, between North and South?How did the federal Constitution deal with slavery, What political and economic forces led to the industrialization of slavery in the South. Why did Dred Scott not decide the issue of slavery?Were the legal principles state by Taney in Dred Scott sound or could the case have benn decided in a less confrontational way?Final, once the Civil ended slavery what steps did Congress take in the form of constitutional amendments and statutes to ensure that slavery would not return and were those steps successful?

Writing Homework Help

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