Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Public Health Mock Grant Proposal

For your final, as mentioned on the syllabus, you must write a ten (10) page (maximum) grant proposal addressing the public health topic you identified on the mid-term. As this is a relatively short grant proposal (some proposals can be well over 100 pages long), I wanted to provide you with a quick overview of sections that you should include in your final essay, also known as the “grant proposal”. Please note, that I will not read anything beyond 10 pages.

Here is some addition information you will need to know as you prepare your grant proposal. One thing to keep in mind is that often times you only have days or weeks to pull together a proposal, so it’s always good to keep relevant information on hand, that you could use again for future grant proposals. As such, keep a copy of your mid-term by your side as you write your final. I hope that you find this assignment fun and exciting!

Important information for this scenario:

The organization that you are submitting your grant proposal to is called “Avalon Foundation” (a fake organization). Avalon Foundation is an organization dedicated to supporting public health programs outside of the United States. They are giving out a $50,000 grant for a program that will run for one year and they are asking you to submit a grant proposal. The maximum number of points you can receive on the grant proposal is 100 points.

Your grant proposal must include the following sections. Please make sure you label each section (e.g. Program Summary, Statement of Need, Program Design, etc.) in your proposal.


  • Cover Page: (one page)

Name of the program you are seeking funding for, your name, name of university (Northeastern University, College of Professional Studies), Date

  • Program Summary – Worth 10 Points (roughly half of a page)

Meets standards: Provided a brief description of the program, did not repeat information presented in the mid-term. Program was realistic, innovative and caught the reader’s attention.

Approaching standards: Provided a brief description of the program. Either repeated information presented in the mid-term or the program was not as well defined given the scope of the work.

Below standards: Did not provide a brief description of the program, repeated information presented in the mid-term. Program was unrealistic.

  • Statement of Need – Worth 10 Points (roughly one page)

Explain why your program is important and why it is needed?

  • Program Design or Program Description – Worth 40 Points (roughly 5 pages)

Give the program you are creating a name and provide a detailed description of your program. This should also include information about support services or resources you will use in the various communities impacted by the public health threat. For example, if you need interpreters you should state so here and explain why you need to use interpreters. Also discuss any partnerships or key stakeholders that will help you.

  • Program Outcomes – Worth 10 Points (roughly one page)

What are you hoping will be the outcome of your program?

  • Program Evaluation – Worth 5 Points (roughly half of a page)

Explain how you are going to know, or measure, if your program succeeds in meeting its goals. Some ideas include: doing a focus group at the end of the program and asking participants if they benefited from your program; administering a survey to program participants, etc.

  • Project Timeline/Budget Timeline – Worth 10 Points (roughly one page)

If your program was selected to receive the grant, explain how you will run the program over the course of one year and spend the $50,000 grant award.

  • References – Worth 5 Points (roughly one page)

Cite all your reference material using APA format on a separate page. You should cite all the references you used in your mid-term and use APA formatting. I will deduct an automatic 5 points for references and in-text citations that are not formatted in the APA format.

  • Proposal Format – Worth 10 Points

You should use 12 point font (Times New Roman is fine), 1 inch margins (on all four sizes of the paper), double space.

Questions to consider when thinking about format: Is your proposal clear? Did you outline the headers (e.g. Program Summary, Statement of Need, Program Design/Description, Program Outcomes, Program Evaluation, Project Timeline/Budget Timeline and References)?


Public Health Final Assignment

Public Health Final Assignment

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProgram Summary

10 pts

Meets Standards

Provided a brief description of the program, did not repeat information presented in the mid-term. Program was realistic, innovative and caught the reader’s attention.

7 pts

Approaching Standards

Provided a brief description of the program. Either repeated information presented in the mid-term or the program was not as well defined given the scope of the work.

4 pts

Below Standards

Did not provide a clear brief description of the program, repeated information presented in the mid-term. Program was unrealistic.

0 pts

Student did not complete/do this section on the assignment.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStatement of Need

10 pts

Meets Standards

Thoroughly explained why the program is important and why it is needed.

7 pts

Approaching Standards

Briefly explained why the program is important and why it is needed.

4 pts

Below Standards

Did not clearly explain why the program is important or why it is needed.

0 pts

Student did not complete/do this section on the assignment.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProgram Design or Program Description

40 pts

Meets Standards

Provided a detailed and thorough description of the program, included information about support services or resources to be used. and discussed partnerships or key stakeholders that will help you.

30 pts

Approaching Standards

Briefly provided a description of the program. Touched upon support services or resources to be used and briefly discussed partnerships or key stakeholders that will help you.

15 pts

Below Standards

Did not provide a detailed description of the program or include information about support services or resources to be used. Did not discuss partnerships or key stakeholders that will help you.

0 pts

Student did not complete/do this section on the assignment.

40 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProgram Outcomes

10 pts

Meets Standards

Provided a detailed and thorough description of the anticipated outcome of the program

7 pts

Approaching Standards

Provided a brief description of the anticipated outcome of the program

4 pts

Below Standards

Did not provide a clear description of the anticipated outcome of your program.

0 pts

Student did not complete/do this section on the assignment.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProgram Evaluation

5 pts

Meets Standards

Provided a detailed and thorough explanation on how you were going to know, or measure, if the program succeeded in meeting its goals.

3 pts

Approaching Standards

Provided a brief explanation on how you were going to know, or measure, if the program succeeded in meeting its goals.

1 pts

Below Standards

Did not provide a clear or detailed explanation on how you were going to know, or measure, if the program succeeded in meeting its goals.

0 pts

Student did not complete/do this section on the assignment.

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Project Timeline/Budget Timeline

10 pts

Meets Standards

A detailed and thorough description was provided on how the program will run if awarded the funding.

7 pts

Approaching Standards

Provided a brief description on how the program will run if awarded the funding.

4 pts

Below Standards

Did not provide a detailed and thorough description on how the program will run if awarded the funding.

0 pts

Student did not complete/do this section on the assignment.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReferences

5 pts

Meets Standards

All reference material was cited using APA format throughout the assignment. References were listed on a separate page.

3 pts

Approaching Standards

Some, but not reference material was cited. References were listed on a separate page and APA format was used consistently.

1 pts

Below Standards

APA formatting was not used or was not used correctly and consistently throughout the assignment

0 pts

Student did not complete/do this section on the assignment.

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProposal Format

10 pts

Meets Standards

Proposal was clearly written. Proper formatting was used throughout the assignment, including the use of 12 point font, 1 inch margins, double space and subheaders for each section were clearly identified.

7 pts

Approaching Standards

Proposal was not as clearly written. Proper formatting was frequently used throughout the assignment, including the use of 12 point font, 1 inch margins, double space and/or subheaders for each section were clearly identified.

4 pts

Below Standards

Proposal was not clearly written. Proper formatting was not used throughout the assignment, including, but not limited to the use of 12 point font, 1 inch margins, double space and/or subheaders for each section.

0 pts

Student did not complete/do this section on the assignment.

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