Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Locate and watch the documentary Including Samuel by Dan Habib on Amazon.


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Locate and watch the documentary Including Samuel by Dan Habib on Amazon.


I never tired of this film. I hope you found it as impactful as I have.

In reflecting on the film.. What challenge most surprised you? How were the families/family affected by this challenge?

In discussing inclusion, how would you respond as a parent or family member having a child that had needs that impacted them to need to navigate inclusion in the classroom? Would you respond or feel differently if you were not directly impacted


After watching the film, I would say that the most surpising challenge that was discussed was navigating the boudary of inclusion and suitable treatment. The families featured within the film had struggled with navigating this boundary, as they naturally would like their children to be able to achieve as much inclusion as possible, within school and other environments of life. In some instances, some actions would isolate a child away from others, even if the action or program may benefit the child on the individual level. This was a source of frustration and sadnes among families, as they so desparately want their children to feel belonging and efficacy among their peers. As explained by some of the interviewees in the film, different people require varying levels of support, which can also translate into different levels of inclusion in the classroom. Even with this observation, it is not an easy decision for parents and support providers to decrease a child’s inclusion among the normal classroom environment.


In discussing inclusion, I am certain that being in the role of a parent or family member brings in the true reality of supporting their children within the context of their needs. As a parent, I would very much try to push for inclusion in the classroom, within the capabilities of the instructional staff. I would no doubt have difficulty dealing with cirumstances in which my child would have to be isolated or separated from their peers for the sake of their learning, even if it proves to be beneficial for growth.Though I typically adopt a very positive view and attitude towards people with varying psychophysiological needs, I have no doubt that parents and family members have learned knowledge and perspective that I do not fully understand, simply because of my current lack of exposure. I will say, regardless of whether I was directly impacted or not, that I would want each person to have the chance to feel worthy of attention and respect, through inclusion and representation in the classroom and other facets of life. It certainly can be hard to understand what people are going through, but exposure and getting to know others is one way we can make people feel normal and accepted.

Writing Homework Help

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