Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Contextual Adolescent Development Case Scenario Respone

Write a paper responding to the following scenario:

Casey case: “You are a middle school counselor. A student, Casey, has come to you feeling distraught. In sixth grade, Casey had few troubles, was engaged in after school sports, did well in class, and appeared to be a part of the popular crowd. Seventh grade has been more of a challenge. Casey’s grades and school attendance dropped. In fact, grades are now so low that Casey is not allowed to play after school sports. As the two of you talk, Casey vaguely indicates that relationships both at home and school are problematic. In addition, Casey’s phone is buzzing constantly. This generates worried looks from Casey, and then an abrupt exit.”

You need to write a brief paper detailing the next steps you are going to take to help Casey with. Make sure to respond as a professional school counselor. The paper should be about 2-3 pages, double spaced.

Answers to guide your writing: What potential problems do you see? What potential avenues might there be for supporting Casey? How can you support her as a counselor? Attached is a file document of list of vocabulary to use within the context of her case, you must select and use 10 words. Define them in your own words, use the citation as given in the the document, and make sure it applies to the context. Use the term/concept, not the class topic.

In your report, be sure to discuss at least 3 different contexts for development as you apply the 10 words (these contexts include: family, peers, school, out of school, and social media). You must use 10 terms/concepts from the vocabulary document. Please underline the terms and concepts used in your response. Each of the 10 terms/concepts is worth points. No need to include a reference page, just the vocabulary (outlined), author and year from the document attached below.

  • Definition: 1 point for each term defined correctly in your own words (this can be done in parentheses or footnotes if it can’t be worked into your paper).
  • Application: 1 point for each term/concept accurately applied in your writing.
  • In-text-Citations: 1 point for each term having a correct in-text citation. For this assignment, I don’t need a reference list at the end.

The Main Goal = Well organized and clearly describes your view of the problem and how you’ll help Casey with the use of 10 selected and thoughtful words in three different contexts.

Writing Homework Help

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