Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. What is the importance of description to the author’s theme, in Ernest Hemingway’s “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place”?

Please write this in essay format. I have attached my rough draft. You can use it as a refernce and work off of that. Feel free to make any changes.

The thesis would be: To authors such as Ernest Hemingway, the importance of description is essential to express in stories such as “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place” in order to reveal the author’s genuine message of disparity and meaningful life to readers.


  • Cite all in-text quotes in MLA Format, i.e. (Author’s Last Name page number if applicable).
  • Be 4-6 pages in length
  • Include a works cited page
  • Have a CREATIVE title for your essay.
  • Include a thoughtful discussion of at least one literary era/genre and explain how your interpretation is shaped by both the era and the tenets of the movement.
  • Explain your interpretation of one or more of the texts in a clear and thorough manner.
  • include quotations:
  • Use textual evidence to support your points and include a sufficient ANALYSIS of the quotations used. Do not simply drop a quotation in your essay just for the sake of using the quotation. Make the quotations WORK FOR YOU.
  • creative title

Writing Homework Help

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