Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Awareness Activity

It is so important that we are always looking to stretch ourselves and comfort zones. A part of being culturally aware and competent is to learn more and gain more awareness in areas that we are lacking awareness and understanding. For this activity you are to choose a topic that you want to grow in. This may be gaining insight and awareness on racial issues, the LGBTQ community, differences in social classes, the deaf community, those of a different faith structure.. you name it! Once you identify an area you want to learn more about you need to complete the following:

  1. Notify me of your choice
  2. Choose 3 methods of learning. A few examples of this may be: reading a book, listening to a respected podcast, doing research, having a conversation, watching a documentary, listening to a TED Talk, etc.
  3. After you have completed the different methods of learning I would like you to reflect in paper format. This should be around 5 pages long (this does not include title page or reference page), include a running head, page numbers, appropraite citations, etc. You can expand on what you learned and gained but I want you to at least address these questions in your paper
    1. What did you know before you began about the area of growth you chose
    2. What methods/format of learning did you choose
    3. What feelings did you experience during this assignment
    4. What did you learn
    5. How will you apply this new learning and awareness as you move forwar.

    APA STYLE For the specified assignemnts in this class, you are expected to support your findings using refereed (peer-reviewed) research and journal articles. Your written assignments will need to be in APA format and it is expected that you use APA style for internal citations in text and for the reference page. You can consult the Purdue University website for more additional information regarding scientific journals and/or APA stylistic guidelines, however I would recommend using APA manual (6th ed.).

Writing Homework Help

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