Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Conducting research: an agent of change


Step 1:

Review your Essay 4 Prompt.

Then, to start thinking about it, do al little bit of research on a change maker you admire.

Please think about a person in history that has made positive changes on society. He/she has helped bring about peace, justice, rights, or a voice for those who could not speak for themselves.

Here are some examples:

    • Caesar Chavez, Latino Civil Rights Activist
    • Dr. Martin Luther King, Civil Rights Activist
    • Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Women’s Rights
    • Malala Yousafzai, Pakistani Activist

Here is a long list of Activists to explore from the past.

Here is a list of current Activists to research.

  • Please read on some of the choices and choose one that aligns with your concerns for the future.
  • Choose only one to focus on for your paper.

Step 2:

Next, find 2 pieces of information/2 sources:

These might be a newspaper article or scholarly article about the actual person (Agent of Change) from a reputable source. You can Google or the Cuyamaca Library.

    • For example:

Step 3:

Part 1: Provide a MLA citation for the two articles you found, so I can look at them too

Part 2: Think about some of the information you found on the person you chose, and respond to the questions below:

  1. What makes this person a strong agent of change? What tools did they use?
  2. What experiences did that person have that made him or her a great leader for their cause?
  3. Which characteristics made them well-suited for their activism?

Note: Save the articles you found! You will be able to use them as you write your essay

Writing Homework Help

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