Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. perspective drawing

The assignment is to create 10 photographs that display points of perspective.

One good way to begin is by looking at famous works of art and uncovering the perspective used. Here, as an example, is Van Gogh’s well-known “Bedroom at Arles” with helpful lines drawn in to show the horizon/eye level (red line) and the orthogonal perspective lines (blue lines) that converge at the vanishing point (black). This painting uses single-point perspective

I added some information to the assignment page with the hope that it might help.
Take a close look.
The idea with the assignment is that Perspective is a way for an artwork to show the viewer
what the artist saw from the artist eye view.
This assignment asks you to make photographs that show ideas of perspective.
So read the list of term’s in the assignment.
What do these term’s mean? Each one has it’s own way of seeing. From those 10 photo’s produce 2 drawings in your sketchbook that emulate the perspective in your photographs.

Make a Powerpoint presentation with all of your work. Explain some of the perspective eliminates in your photographs and also your drawings.

Examples would be:

This photograph has one point perspective. The two buildings on the right over lap and produce over lapping perspective… etc.

One point perspective

Two Point perspective

Three, four

Atmospheric Perspective

Scale, color etc.

Same principle, more verbiage, and more opportunity for confusion, I think. But, we can move on from here to some very easy terms.

Diagonal Lines: Lines that slant.

Eye Level Line: Another term for “Horizon Line”.

Form: A 3-dimensional object with volume.

Horizon Line: Also known as “Eye Level Line”. This is a single line used to communicate perspective. It may or may not be placed inside the picture plane. It presents the “eye level” to the viewer.

Horizontal Lines: Lines which run from side to side. Horizontal lines will always be parallel to the top and bottom edges of our drawing paper. (Not to be confused with “Horizon Line.”)

Parallel Lines: These are lines placed side by side. No matter how far we extend them, they will never touch. Parallel lines can be horizontal, vertical, or diagonal.

Perspective Lines: (Orthogonal Lines). Lines that converge at a Vanishing Point to show perspective. Note that in reality these are Parallel Lines. In drawing, however, these lines converge.

Plane: A flat, 2-dimensional surface with no thickness. (A cube has 6 separate planes.)

Orthogonal Lines: Perspective Lines.

Vanishing Point: A point on a Horizon Line where all Perspective Lines meet.

Vertical Lines: Lines which run up and down on the page. These lines will be parallel to the sides of the drawing paper.

Writing Homework Help

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