Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. simple question

Read “Chapter 9: Writing with Style” in Writing Proposals and respond to the following prompt:

As mentioned in the Module 14 Overview, you can think about revision in three layers. The first layer involves thinking like a reader, the second layer has you thinking like a writer, and the third layer requires you to act like an editor. In other words, revision goes beyond correcting surface-level errors such as spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Your job as a writer in professional contexts is to present information in a way that allows reader-users to take action. As Chapter 9 indicates: “To be candid, you are manipulating the readers when you are trying to persuade them. That’s what proposals and grants do. The challenge is to match your proposal’s style to the readers’ needs” (178).

Using the strategies from Chapters 9, in what ways will you incorporate thinking like a reader, writer, and editor, as you persuade readers of your plan? How will you balance plain and persuasive style? Support your response with strategies from the textbook.

Writing Homework Help

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