Writing Homework Help



You will assure the following minimum requirements are met:

  1. Page 1 will be the Title Page from Module I, improved and in APA style.
  2. Page 2 will be a modified, updated Abstract and keywords, improved.
  3. Pages 3 to 5 will be a beefed-up version of the annotated outline, with proper citations supporting your claims, from Module I. Each point should become a paragraph in the first draft of your paper.
  4. Please include Main Headings: Introduction, Body, and Conclusion. And Subheading, your choice of titles.
    1. An introduction—brief preview of what is to come (Tell them what you are going to tell them). Subheadings where appropriate.
    2. In the body (Tell them). In the body, create one table and one figure used to showcase critically important information presented in the body of the paper.
    3. Table 1 and Figure 1 must blend complex information and reduce confusion. Explain the Table and figure in the text which precedes it. Use SmartArt in Word 2016 to create your Table 1 and Figure 1. (See chapter 1 of Managerial Communication for Professional Development for details on the purpose and uses of different types of charts.) Subheadings where appropriate.
  5. Page 6 will conclude the paper—give a summary and clincher (Tell them what you’ve just told them).
  6. Page 7, you will include a reference with 6 to 8 sources. Every source cited in the body of the paper must be accounted for in the references section using APA 7th This time, I will be very strict on APA style.
  7. The American Psychological Association, 7/e (APA) is required for Module 2 and every other Module, henceforward. This means follow the style manual carefully. All errors from Module 1 should be fixed before you venture into Module 2.
  8. Module 2 is worth thirty (30) class point. And, Module 2 is due 11:59 p.m., Saturday, November 14, 2020. Upload your Modules to eCourses. No exceptions for late work without excused reasons. Good luck!

*Note: The following critically important questions for composing a technical paper of publishable quality:

What is the central position of the team’s argument and what is the crux of the argument to be proved? Does your affirmative proposition present enough “burden of proof” that it cannot be successfully negated by the burden of rebuttal from your audience? Will you win over your audience with facts and evidence? Will you anticipate the reasonable questions your readers might have? What is the status quo managerial issue that needs to be changed? And, have you determined it from published articles that you have read and evaluated? Simply put, when an objective reader evaluates your position, will the reader be swayed to advocate that which you advocate? Does the paper influence thought and is it conducive to persuading the reader by use of logical appeal—exact reasoning, emotional appeal—arouse the emotions of the reader, and personal appeal—credibility on the subject? Are the appeals adequately blended and is the language of the paper fresh? Doe Table 1 and Figure 1 ease understanding as visual aids? Is the impression lasting on the reader?

Writing Homework Help

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