Writing Homework Help

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Literary Research Paper-Information Sheet 

 Your task is to write a literary research paper on Toni Morrison’s Sula. The following steps will enable you to generate a topic and to choose your research materials. 

You will write a well-developed essay with a clearly stated thesis that is supported using direct quotes and references from the poem and/or novel, as well as from at least five critical discussions of the primary text(s), as applicable. 

  • Make sure that all quotes are incorporated effectively into your discussion, using the Introduce-Present-Explain system.
  • Make sure that you do not begin or end a paragraph with a quote. 
  • Make sure to use proper parenthetical citation and proper MLA format for your discussion.

1. Your final project, due no later than August 5 must contain the following components, collected in a folder or large envelope: 

  a. Your Revised Outline 

 b. At least one complete rough copy which is significantly different from your final copy 

 c. Bibliography or Works Cited 

 d. Final copy of  5-7 pages (excluding the Bibliography) 

Follow the MLA format for all citations and your bibliography! 

See http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/ 

2.  In addition to Sula, you must use at least four secondary sources. These must consist of scholarly articles (from JSTOR or journals) or books from the library. Other internet sources, unless they have been approved by me beforehand, are not acceptable. You may also cite other texts (letters, etc.) by Toni Morrison or other relevant authors. Although most of your sources must address the novel, you may use one or two sources which deal with topics related to your project but not to the novel. 

 The following steps are due in this order 

1)July 21:Reseaarch topic and preliminary thesis is due: begin Sentence outline

2)July 24 Outline and Complete Rough Copy.

3)August 5: Final Copy

* Avoid plagiarism by being honest with yourself and by following the proper procedures for note taking and giving the author credit for using his works. 

* Be cautious with long quotations. Each citation must be incorporated into your argument, and not simply pasted in. Lengthy citations require lengthy analysis! When in doubt, employ textual analysis (close reading). 

* Do not use Cliff notes, Spark notes, or other sources of this type.These should only be used as an overview to help you gain an understanding of your primary source. Students are tempted to plagiarize using these sources, so be very careful not to fall into this trap.Do not use online research papers written by other students or by other professionals. This is blatant plagiarism without a doubt. * Remember that your essay should be a scholarly interpretation supported by research and not simply a summary. Also keep in mind that this is an academic research paper and not an editorial. This requires a certain amount of scholarly and analytical distance. 

Pay close attention to the language and details in the text itself. Observe how the critics you use respond to the same details, and integrate these findings into your paper. 

( this is the all information When can i receive it ? please remember that it has to be from the book )  

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