Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. SOC 100 UOFM The Collective Consciousness of a Culture Comes from Solidarity Essay

This course uses a term paper as a summative assessment tool to evaluate students’ comprehension of the course material and progress toward meeting the course learning outcomes. For this paper, students will draw on the course material to conduct a case study that draws on at least one theoretical framework featured in the course material to describe and explain 9he interrelationship of social and environmental factors in human communities, processes of community change, OR impact of environmental change on human communities.

one theoretical framework SEE ATTACHED FILE

Selecting a case study may sound daunting, but it’s not. Students are encouraged to start the case selection process using the following steps. First, students should think about a few particular places that interest them (for example, where they grew up or places they are knowledgeable about) and that have experienced some form of environmental preservation, conservation, impact, or problem. Then, search various news media outlets available through the University of Oregon Library at https://researchguides.uoregon.edu/az.php?q=newsLinks to an external site. (Note: requires UO sign-in credentials). In scanning the library news databases, students are encouraged to use search terms that include the name of that place (or places) that they are interested in writing about, and combinations of terms found throughout the course material. These additional search terms include, but are not limited to: “ideas about nature,” “wilderness,” “natural resource development,” “natural disaster,” “environmental impact,” “environmental change,” “toxic exposure,” “environmental justice,” and “climate change.”

Selecting a case study will likely involve going back and forth between the news stories that result from the library searches and the course material to make sure they are appropriate for the term paper. The news stories one ultimately uses should provide sufficient discussion of some aspect of the interrelationship between social and environmental factors in human communities, processes of community change, OR impact of environmental change on human communities in ways that accord well with the course material. The news stories should also point students in the direction of where to find more information about the case study.

Students will receive guidance from the professor and teaching assistant on suitable case studies and on how to use the information collected about the case study in the regular lecture material. However, students are strongly encouraged to start looking for cases and gathering useful information about their case in week 3 of class because of the time that the case selection process entails and the condensed character of this 10-week course.

Documents accessible by clicking the links below provide detailed guidance on the term paper and how the term papers will be graded:

This term paper must be at least 11 pages long (10 full pages for the text plus 1 reference page), with doublespaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, and 1-inch margins. It must be in ASA format (see ASA style guide
posted on the course Canvas website and additional guidance on using the ASA style guide below). Students will
not be graded on the grammar used in the paper, but they will be graded on the overall clarity of the writing and
analysis. Students are thus encouraged to consult the recommended reading (Strunk’s The Elements of Style) and/or
staff at the University of Oregon Tutoring and Academic Engagement Center (see https://engage.uoregon.edu/) for
assistance with writing mechanics for this paper. The professor will help students with the substantive portion of
the paper by helping them think about how to integrate its various components into one cohesive essay

Writing Homework Help

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