Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Art & identity project 4


For this final project you will research two (2) contemporary artists who deal with the theme of identity. In addition, you will reflect upon and propose an imagined artwork that relates to your own concept of identity.(Do not worry if you are not artistically inclined, you are NOT expected to create an actual finished art piece; it is merely a proposal for something you imagine.). The final project will be presented as a well-researched PowerPoint presentation. Scholarly research and a Works Cited page/slide are important components of this project.

Link to the book: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10DgFDoimZsMmX70vGSyGrckC4zVAE67W/view


1.Engage with the presentation: “Art & Identity”

2.Read/review the following from the textbook: Chapter 3.9 page 547-560 (The Late Twentieth Century and Art of the Present Day), 4.9 starts at page 659 (The Body in Art) and 4.10 starts at 675 (Identity, Race, & Gender in Art).


1.Choose two (2) artists from the list on page three of these instructions. Research your chosen artists in relation to their interest in a theme of “Identity”.

2.You must use at least three different types of sources in your research project: The art work itself will be one source –the most important primary source. Therefore, you must research and find at least two (2) other types of sources (interview with the artists, scholarly articles, books, museum website etc.)to use in your study. Most will need to exceed this minimum for a robust presentation. See page 195 of your textbook for a list of possible primary and secondary sources. Further resources on how to get started are found in the subheading “Resources” below. You can find many sources in the library or in one of the library’s databases.

3.Your selection of artists should be intentional and surround a specific sub-topic of identity. Your research should not focus on identity in only a broad and general way. Clearly identify the sub-topic that relates to your artists .For example, you may find artists that are similarly interested in any of the following sub-topics below:

➢the fluidity of identity

➢deconstructing cultural, social, or political difference

➢feminist critique

➢diversity or artists who create work that explores related cultures, groups, or societies

➢You may consider choosing artists that work in the same medium (for example, performance art, painting, or installation) and how that material choice imparts meaning to their work.

4.After selecting your sub-topic and artists, you must decide on a title for your project.

5.Your research into the artists should include biographical information and an examination of the artists’ approaches. In a PowerPoint presentation of your research, include the following:

a.Biographies of each artist:

i.Image of the artist (photo, sketch, etc.)

ii.Brief biography : name, date of birth/death, where she/he was trained, and a broad statement about their working process, critical interests and concerns as an artist

B. Three artworks by each artist: Find and select three artworks by each artist. Your artist may explore many concepts and ideas, but for this project you must find how their work relates to your chosen sub-topic related to identity. Be selective about which artworks you choose. Each artwork should have two slides minimum:

I.An image slide which includes a high quality image of the artwork and its basic identifying information (artist name, title, date, medium, dimensions, and location if known). You may include detail images or alternative views.

II.A separate slide should include a researched statement about the artwork. How does the work relate to your chosen topic? How is this artist’s choice of materials and/or processes relevant or meaningful?

C. Final Statement (minimum 400words):In a final written statement you will compare and contrast the artists and explain how they relate to your chosen sub-topic. Identify and explain the artist’s values, attitudes and approaches. Support your claims with research and informed examples/ideas, and draw upon concepts, terms, and approaches learned in class.


After conducting your research, consider how the artists/artworks chosen do or do not relate to your personal experience. Think about the following: How does your concept of identity relate to the artists you researched? The question of identity may lead to other questions such as: What values are important to me? What else is important to me? Why? Do I identify with any groups or collectives? What “values” do these groups have? Who am I as an individual? How might you communicate your own experience in an artwork?

¨ Write a statement that proposes an imagined art work directly related to your own experience.

¨You must connect your imagined artwork to a concept or key term discussed in Chapter 3.10.

What concepts are important to convey? What materials/medium would you use? Consider and explain the scale, location, and subject matter. Would it be a figurative self-portrait or would you represent yourself through other ways?

Your proposal may include a sketch or diagram, or you may choose to keep it entirely written. If you choose to use a written statement only, be as vividly descriptive as possible. A fun part of this proposal is that since you are not actually expected to complete the work, you are not constricted by location, scale, or cost of materials!

In addition, keep in mind that your artwork proposal does not have to relate directly to the artists or theme you chose for the main part of your research project. However, in your statement, you should make thoughtful connections to your artists and/or theme, whether this be through comparison or contrast.


In addition to using the artwork as primary source, the use of at least two (2) different types of secondary sources (in total) is required. Avoid simple Internet searches. Include a Works Cited page(slide)at the end of your presentation.

Library Resources: The best place to start is in the “Library Resources” menu item found in our Canvas home menu. There you will find library databases related to art and art history. You can also find that information at this link: http://guides.lib.usf.edu/arthistory. See page 195 of your textbook for examples of effective secondary sources. They include: reference books, books by scholars, scholarly journal articles, book reviews, and museum websites.


Choose any two artists from this list. Most of the artists on the list are contemporary artists, meaning that they are living and working today. You will find examples by almost all of them in your textbook .I’ve grouped them by media which may be helpful in identifying artists of interest:

( Photography/Video and/or Performance) Nancy Burson, Yasumasa Morimura, Catherine Opie,Robert Mapplethorpe,Nikki S. Lee,Cindy Sherman,Ana Mendieta, Shirin Neshat,Jillian Mayer, Carrie Mae Weems, Pipilotti Rist,Bill Viola, Rineke Dijkstra, Lorna Simpson, Matthew Barney, Guerrila Girls,Orlan, Janine Antoni, Richard Prince, James Luna.

(Painting/Drawing/Design) Judith Baca, Barry McGee,Kerry James Marshall,Elizabeth Peyton,Mickaline Thomas,Kehinde Wiley,Jean-Michel Basquiat, Zhang Chun Hong, Hung Liu, Faith Ringgold, Chuck Close, Wangechi Mutu, Keith Haring, Jenny Saville, Barbara Kruger.

(Installations and Sculpture) Yinka Shonibare,Spencer Tunick,Kara Walker,Doris Salcedo,Judy Chicago,Xenobia Bailey,Do Ho Suh,Felix Gonzalez Torres, Ron Mueck,Marc Quinn,Louise Bourgeois,Betye Saar, Magdelena Abakanowicz, Mona Hatoum, Damien Hirst, David Hammons.


Your final presentation should include the following. You may organize and design your presentation for optimal viewing, however, keep in mind you must include all components.

¨Topic slide including your name and the title of your research project

¨Artist #1

O Image of the artist and brief bio

O Artwork image slides (x3)

O Artwork information slides (x3)

¨Artist #2

O Image of the artist and brief bio

O Artwork image slides (x3)

O Artwork information slides (x3)

¨Final Statement (you may break this up into multiple slides due to min. word length)

¨Artwork Proposal and Statement

¨Works Cited (References)


¨Create your project as a PowerPoint presentation. When saving your document for submission, consider converting to a PDF before uploading. Corrupt files or incorrect documents will result in a zero (0). After uploading, go back to ensure it went through correctly.

¨All sources must be cited. This includes direct quotations, paraphrases, and images. Here is a helpful resource: http://guides.lib.usf.edu/citingsources.You must use in-text citations in addition to a properly formatted Works Cited/Reference page.

¨Use clear and complete sentences throughout your presentation. Proofread before submission. You must use correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

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