Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Decision Appraisal Report 3

our third Decision Appraisal Report should build on your main decision you used for the prior reports, or a new decision if you can’t work with that decision anymore.

You can review the detailed instructions on how to do a Decision Appraisal Report in this document:

Decision Amplification and Appraisal.pdf

And review an example here:

Decision Appraisal Graph Examples

These document summarizes a lot of the information we discussed in class on how to do a decision appraisal. Please read them carefully and follow the instructions. Your responses should be thorough, thoughtful, and meaningful, since this will be the basis for modeling your decision as part of your learning experience in this class.


  1. Decision Appraisal Report 3 should build on your prior reports, and should include the answers to the original questions about your decision, i.e., a description of your decision including the short title of the decision, the alternatives, the value criteria you will use to evaluate the outcome, the main pieces of information, and key aspects of the process (see).
  2. Report number 3 should also include an Influence Diagram (ID) depicting your decision – Updated if necessary from the one you included in Report 2. Refer to the document Dialogues for Framing Decisions.pdf and the slides in section 2.1, as well as numerous examples in your readings from Decision Analysis for the Professional; Be sure your ID is accompanied by distribution trees, definitions of all nodes, and a logical description explaining the story told in the diagram.
  3. New for this report: Include Prospect Timeline Tables for at least two of your decision prospects;
  4. Be sure to include strong conclusions identifying next-steps needed to move the decision process forward in the direction of 100% on all spokes, as described in the document Decision Amplification and Appraisal.pdf
  5. Include a current Appraisal using the Decision Wheel.
  6. You should also include your prior Decision Wheel appraisal graph (0% to 100%) as an appendix to the report, for comparison to your current graph.
  7. Please upload your file in .pdf format so I can read it in the browser and grader on Canvas without downloading.
  8. Please put your Full Name and the title “Appraisal Report 3” in the filename of the document.


Decision Appraisal Reports

Decision Appraisal Reports

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResponsivenessResponsive to instructions and stated requirements. All aspects of the assignment are dealt with thoroughly.

40.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeApplication of Course ConceptsWork reflects an appropriate grasp of concepts taught in the course readings, media and presentations, and exercises, and the ability to apply the concepts.

40.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting and OrganizationThe principle criterion here is whether the report can be understood easily, as it relates to what is taught in the course. Grammar, spelling and punctuation are not the focus of this assessment, and will be a concern only if they are distracting or cause confusion. Writing should be fluid, engaging, sincere, and also well organized.

20.0 pts

Total Points: 100.0

Textbook Readings
Kahneman, D. (2011). Thinking, fast and slow. New York, NY: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux.
Chapter 30: Rare Events
Chapter 31: Risk Policies
McNamee, P., & Celona, J. (2005). Decision analysis for the professional (4th ed.). Menlo Park, CA: SmartOrg, Inc.
Chapter 7: Typical Corporate Applications of Decision Analysis (pp. 187–194 and 202–208 only)
Chapter 8: A Decision Making Process (pp. 223–235, and 241-247 only)
Bezos, J. (2017). 2016 letter to shareholders. Retrieved from: https://blog.aboutamazon.com/company-news/2016-let… (Links to an external site.)
Online Course
Matheson, D. & Raha, S. (n. d.). Decision quality: Making purposeful and meaningful decisions. Menlo Park, CA: SmartOrg, Inc. Retrieved from: https://courses.smartorg.com/p/decision-quality (Links to an external site.)
This course is available for free and takes about two hours to complete.
Recommended Supplementary Readings
Bergner, D. M., & Eris, O. (2009). Reframing the data-mining process. In Ohsawa, Y., & Yada, K. (Eds.). Data mining for design and marketing (pp. 24–33). Boca Raton, FL: Taylor & Francis Group.

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